Mountain Brook Presbyterian Church
Living a Friendly Faith
About Us

Worship With Us
10:00 AM - Traditional Service
9:30 AM -​ Adult Sunday School
10:30 AM Traditional Sunday Worship
The Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.
Nursery is provided for birth to age 6 from 10:30 until noon.
During worship, children's Sunday school is offered for children age 2-grade 6.
Our services are traditional, based on the bible, and follow the principles of the Presbyterian Church (USA). For more information about the Presbyterian Church (USA) click here. The hearing of God's word in Scripture and preaching is central, and music also plays an important role. The Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.
​Children's Worship:
age birth to 2 years - Nursery is provided for birth to age 2 from 10:30 until noon.
age 2 to 6 - During worship, Sunday School is offered for children age 2-grade 6. The Sunday school class for 2-3 year olds meets every Sunday.
age 4 to 6 - Following the Moment with Children in the worship service, children age 4 through grade 6 are invited to leave with their teachers for Sunday School.
On the first Sunday of each month, families are encouraged to worship together and join in the celebration of The Lord's Supper, during which there is no Sunday School.
Children's bulletins and clipboards with coloring pages are available for children every Sunday in the narthex.
In 1871 First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Birmingham was born on Fifth Avenue North and 18th Street and in 1911 changed the name to the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. By 1920 the need for a larger building was recognized, and the Session purchased property one block away at the northeast corner of Sixth Avenue North and 18th Street.
In 1947, the church began the installation of a series of memorial windows depicting the life of Christ. Throughout the 1950's, the church continued as a strong and prominent congregation in downtown Birmingham.
Meanwhile, a new church, St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, had been organized in the rapidly growing community of Mountain Brook and had begun meeting in the auditorium of Mountain Brook Elementary School. Soon after that, this new congregation purchased property on Brookwood Road and began to worship on that site.
In 1968 Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church merged with St. Stephen's Presbyterian becoming Mountain Brook Presbyterian. Then, with money from the sale of the downtown property, work began on the new building, one whose sanctuary would be built around the stained glass windows brought from Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church.
The completed structure was formally dedicated with worship on September 21, 1969, with the laying of a new cornerstone and the placing of the cornerstones of the former Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue churches, signifying the continuation of the long and faithful history of this historic congregation.