Mountain Brook Presbyterian Church
Living a Friendly Faith

We offer adult Bible education classes on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and monthly on Friday mornings.
Sunday Mornings, 9:30-10:30 am
Reception Room
Men's Prayer Breakfast Group: contact for times and dates.
Children & Youth

We offer enriching Bible-based educational opportunities for children and youth to learn about God:
Sunday School
Wednesday Nights Children's Choir
Youth Group: contact Caroline Carmichael for more information by emailing

The preschool is a special ministry of the church which provides quality preschool education for all children in the program. It provides for nursery age children through 5K kindergarten. For more information visit the preschool's website at
Director, Molly Blackmon
Phone: 205.967.5037 ext. 4

Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. If you are interested in helping MBPC with the Presbytery's Habitat for Humanity project, please contact our church office by emailing to sign up as a volunteer.
Magic City Harvest: Since 1995, Magic City Harvest has been recovering excess food to help combat hunger and reduce food waste across Jefferson, Shelby, and Talladega counties. Consider supporting the important work we are doing through volunteering your time or making a donation.
Serving You Ministries: Providing hope to families in the greater Birmingham area by assisting in education, child care, job readiness, safe and affordable housing, health and nutrition, and crisis relief through our hub partnerships.
Care Packages Ministry: Our church has prepared care packages for the homeless in Birmingham. These are located in the front entrance of the church. We encourage the members of our church to keep one or two in their vehicle and distribute them to those in need in our greater community.

MBPCUSA is proud to sponsor Scouting on it's campus.
Boy Scout Troop 320
Scoutmaster: Dave Caskey
Cub Scout Pack 320
Cubmaster: Connie Caskey
To learn more about Scouting, visit
To learn more about the Greater Alabama Council, visit

Volunteer Opportunities
Liturgist - help lead the Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession, Assurance of Forgiveness and/or the Passing of the Peace.
Greeter - greet & orient guests at worship
Usher - welcome guests & hand out church bulletin at worship
Communion server (ruling elder)
Acolytes - assist the celebrant in worship service and procession
Chancel Guild - maintain ceremonial objects
Choir - to join (click here)
Working in the garden
Church Work Days
Congregational luncheons and Wednesday dinners (cook, setup/cleanup, serve)
Sunday School teachers
Please contact the church office: 205-967-5037